Friday, October 12, 2007


Zambia Association for Youths In Schools in its expansion programme has opened a branch in Kafue Estates area. This Branch comes at a right time when the Organization was planning to open its Institute of which we have opened a ZAYS Institute to be situated in Kafue were the Branch Office are. So far a house has been rented for and kafue ZAYS actitives will be taking place there. The institute will begin with enterpreneurship seminars and workshops for the youths and then will develop in giving professional courses and will start with the international examined course with the partnership of British council -Zambia the moment things are finalized. 13th-16th October 2007 ZAYS will carry out oreintation for the newly elected branch executive and also will have a retreat for planning for the Institute. There must be social Intergration for development and so as we fight HIV/AIDS we are suppose to empower the youths with skills benefiacial to their lives. This in turn will bring about development and youths that are busy reducing the risk of infections of HIV/AIDS and other bad vices that undevelop the community. In the coming year we expect to run this Institution fully and fees will be low considering the vulnerable. ZAYS wishes to enroll those wish to kick start this Institute as tutors or lecturers on voluntary basis this includes international volunteers.
By Rodney Katongo

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