Zambia Association for Youths in Schools recently receive a a funding or an activity for the government agents Community Response to HIV/AIDS (CRAIDS). The amount of the fund is K65,950,200 (in Zambian Kwacha) This was to carry out training for the theatre groups in Lusaka and also carry out sensitization in five communities.
There are three workshops to be carried and so far two have already been done. The main themes for these training are Stigma and VCT.These trainings will see 45 young people trained having broader knowledge on how to influence community change through information delivery such as drama or theatre. Many times those doing the drama are left out in trainings and hence they have less information themselves. In an interview with ZAYS president Mr. Humphrey Monde, he noted that the fight of HIV/AIDS should be even more intesified among the youth. During the training drama perfomances are part of the requirement for the participants. Communities targeted are Balmoral, Muchinga, Chilanga, Chitanda, and Munkolo. There was a powerful sensitization in Linda compound that also is part of Munkolo. While the sensitization was going on people were also invited to do there VCT (New Start Centre was there to provide support. 60 people had their blood test these also include the members of ZAYS. of which 10 of the 60 were HIV/AIDS positive.